PayPoint Plus for Windows Cash Drawer Setup and Testing Instructions

PayPoint Plus for Windows Cash Drawer Setup and Testing Instructions, Below is information for installing OPOS and JPOS cash drawer test solutions for the PayPoint Plus Windows systems.

Hardware Requirements

•  PayPoint Plus for Windows

•  Printer Paper

Software Requirements

Star Printer (OPOS) Solution

• – Star Micronics Configuration Utility TSP100 application

JPOS Solution

•  jdk-7u80-windows-x64.exe – Java Development Kit (JDK)

• – JPOS POS tester

Instructions for Star Printer (OPOS) Solution


Instructions for JPOS Solution

1.    Verify if the Star TSP100 printer application has been installed.

2.    If the Star printer application has not been installed, find a copy of the installer ( located at C:\EloTouchSolutions\Peripherals\Printer or download it from directly from the printer manufacture.

3.    Download jdk-7u80-windows-x64.exe and install

  • Find a copy of the installer in the Files section of this article

4.    Download and extract the file

  • Find a copy of the application in the Files section of this article

5.    Install EloJPOS.msi, and an EloJPOS app shortcut will be created on the desktop

6.    Launch the EloJPOS app, and a console window will automatically open

7.    The EloJPOS app will appear like the image shown below

8.    Click Open Drawer


If the console window shows an error ‘java’ is not recognized, it means that the JDK installer is not installed yet. Install the Java Development Kit 1.7 (JDK) and relaunch the EloJPOS app. If JDK has been successfully installed and ‘java’ is not recognized, the Java bin folder will need to be added to System Environment Variable.


