BLAZE Retail POS App | Scale Integration

We’ve implemented a scale integration for ‘deli style’ shops to increase your inventory accuracy, reduce theft, and speed up your checkout process.


  • Prerequisites

  • How to Set Up the Scale

  • How to Connect Scale to BLAZE

  • How to Use Scale with BLAZE


  • Buy BlueSnap DB9-M6A Wireless RS232 Adapter.

    • “Adapter” – Male DB9
    • “Power” – we recommend Rechargeable Battery and Power/Charge Cable.
    • “Firmware” – BLE
  • Buy scale from Scales Known to Work with BlueSnap M6A Wireless RS-232 iOS list.

    • Buy any “Null Modem” or “Standard Mini Gender Changer” adapters as noted in this article to go with the selected scale.

      Make sure the firmware for the BlueSnap adapter is up to date. Contact SerialIO support to assist with this. Their support policy can be found here.

  • Download yACK BLE from the App Store

  • Must use Retail POS app 5.0.9 or above

  • Your product needs to have a category and be set to grams instead of units.

How to Set Up the Scale

1. Connect DB9-M6A to scale (with any needed adapters).

  • Connect power to DB9-M6A.

2. Open yACK BLE.

  • Connect to Nearby BlueSnap DB9. Select after connecting, if necessary.
  • Switch to Command mode.
  • Send the command “set UA B 9600”. This sets the baud rate at 9600bps.
  • Turn the Scale on.
  • Configure scale to a baud rate of 9600bps. This should be able to be done by following the manual for the scale. For the A&D EK-1200i, use the following guide and steps:


NOTE: The Enter button may be used in some places instead of the Print button.

NOTE: The BLAZE app will not be able to connect if the yACK BLE app is still open

  • Connect iPad to DB9-M6A through Bluetooth.

How to Connect Scale to BLAZE

NOTE: The BLAZE app will not be able to connect if the yACK BLE app is still open

1. Open BLAZE Retail POS app > Login

2. Click the Scale icon.

  • Connect Nearby DB9-M6A.

How to Use Scale with BLAZE

1. Start a sale.

  • Select an item that is weighed on the spot (deli-style).

2. Weigh item.

  • Once the weight has stabilized, push Enter (or, Print for some scales) and see the weight be filled out in the BLAZE app.